Another trip to Canberra approaches .. out nation's capital and the location of most of my in-laws and my parents, too. As usual the prospect of spending time with my mother sends apprehension through me - even though I only have to make it through lunch.
Everyone always chimed in when I used to say "My mother's strange" - all claiming their parents were the maddest, weirdest around. But now I know the truth I can tell people what's wrong with her - and I've found at least another two families who have similar problems. You see, my mother has Asperger's Syndrome - a type of autism which makes her "mind-blind" - or unable to relate to any experience that doesn't directly affect herself.
I once described her as a "stream-of-consciousness conversationalist" - which makes it difficult to communicate with her. But today I noticed her OVER-communication has led to me being an UNDER-communicator with the man I love - and it's been a problem in previous relationships, too.
It's just that her conversation is filled with the minutiae of her days. To the extent that I want to yell at her to shut up, that i don't care if she got beans at 5 cents off or that her car has been serviced this week. So when it comes to sharing the small things, I'm reluctant to open up. When a friend called me today I told him all about my latest effort to keep fit - actually running as well as walking and how nice it is to be less puffed. But then I realised I haven't told Mark this at all. And it's not important - but maybe it is.
Whatever, I've resolved to try and open up a bit more. Because I can, without being a replica of my mother.