It's my life
Published on February 14, 2007 By anothermaso In Sex & Romance
It's been five years since MarkLink and I first dated - and 26 (or so) since we first met. Our special day is Feb 15 - so we don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. But then I don't really feel the need to celebrate that anyway, because I'm told I'm loved every day, without fail. And while I can't claim (who could?) that our relationship's free of conflict, we have a commitment to work through any problems - because what we have together is so much more than we ever had apart. And I think we manage to work it through by being honest, leaning on each other, and laughing together. I guess I'm saying I love my Renaissance man, and more today than ever before.
on Feb 14, 2007
on Feb 14, 2007


on Feb 14, 2007
Just wait until you get home, young lady...

(Love you too)
on Feb 14, 2007
Just wait until you get home, young lady...

Hmm...smells like sex and candy here...  

on Feb 14, 2007
Hmm...smells like sex and candy here...

no comment...   

(Happy Valentine's day and get a room you two!)
on Feb 14, 2007
LOL! How sweet! Makes you wanna go "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...silly romantic peoples!"  
on Feb 15, 2007
You both are lucky to have gone around, only to find true love close to home.
on Feb 15, 2007
Thanks all of you for your lovely comments - you're right, we are Mushy MasonM! and silly, romantic and all those other things.

Here's to the next five years (and the next, and the next....)

on Feb 18, 2007
Happy Belated Valentines day to you both!

Woo Hoo